Using Gateways for Connectivity

When your network uses a gateway to communicate with a host computer, the client computer running Windows 95 communicates with the gateway computer just as it does with any other computer on the network. The gateway computer translates requests from the client into a form that can be understood by the host, then communicates with the host, and returns the information to the client. In this configuration, the client computer can connect to the gateway using any protocol that the gateway supports. The gateway uses some form of the DLC protocol to communicate with the host.

The following table shows commonly used gateways and the supported operating systems.


Operating system

Microsoft SNA Server 2.0 and 2.1

Microsoft Windows NT 3.x

NetWare for SAA

Novell NetWare 3.x and 4.x

Wall Data Rumba Gateway

Microsoft Windows 3.x

Attachmate® Gateway 4.0 or higher





MS-DOS and Windows 3.x

Many of the gateways in the preceding table have MS-DOS versions, which run only under MS-DOS, not under Windows. Windows 95 does not support running the MS-DOS – based gateways in a VM. For information about support for a particular gateway under Windows 95, contact your gateway vendor.