System Configuration Overview

Windows 95 includes several tools and built-in features that make it easy to configure the hardware and software you use on your computer.

Automatic hardware detection.

Hardware designed to work with Windows 95 is virtually self-configuring. When you run Windows 95 Setup, an automatic hardware detection routine searches your computer to determine the hardware components that are installed. Whether your system includes Plug and Play-compliant or legacy components, Windows 95 can automatically detect and configure them. Windows 95 Plug and Play features are described in "Plug and Play Support in Windows 95" later in this chapter. For more information about hardware detection during Setup, see Chapter 6, "Setup Technical Discussion."

Transfer of Windows 3.x or Windows for Workgroups settings.

When you upgrade to Windows 95 from an earlier version of Windows, Windows 95 Setup automatically updates system configuration settings (such as those in SYSTEM.INI and CONFIG.SYS) and moves them to the Registry. For information, see Chapter 6, "Setup Technical Discussion."

Configuration wizards.

Windows 95 includes online wizards for installing new hardware, adding modems, adding printers, and installing applications. These tools lead you through all the steps you need to configure the new component on a computer.

Point and print.

When you copy a printer icon from the server's window to your own Printers window or desktop, Windows 95 automatically installs the correct printer driver and configures the network connection to a network printer.

Control Panel options for system configuration.

The Control Panel includes several tools for configuring various parts of your system. The following table describes some of the Control Panel tools for system configuration.


Description of tool

Accessibility Options. Use this tool to adjust keyboard, sound, display, mouse, and general options to make Windows 95 easier to use for individuals with disabilities. For information, see Appendix I, "Accessibility."

Add New Hardware. Use this wizard to configure newly installed hardware through autodetection or by selecting the corresponding driver from a list. For information, see Chapter 19, "Devices."

Add/Remove Programs. Use this wizard to install a program from a setup disk. You can also remove any application installed with this tool, add components from the Windows 95 setup disks, or create a new startup disk. For information, see Chapter 22, "Application Support."

Display. Use this tool to change background and screen saver choices. Modify settings for on-screen fonts, colors, color palette, and so on. For information on configuring the display, see Chapter 19, "Devices."

Fonts. Use this tool to view installed fonts or install new fonts. For more information, see Chapter 23, "Printing and Fonts."

Keyboard. Use this tool to change options for the style of keyboard you use and for the rate at which the characters you type are displayed. For information, see online Help.

Modems. Use this wizard to add a new modem. You can also use this tool to configure or diagnose installed modems. For more information, see Chapter 25, "Modems and Communications Tools."

Mouse. Use this tool to change mouse or pointer options. (The appearance of the icon may be different, depending on the type of mouse used.) For information, see Chapter 19, "Devices."

Multimedia. Use this tool to change options for audio playback and recording, MIDI output and schemes, and CD playback volume. Use the Advanced properties to install or configure multimedia hardware, drivers, and codecs. For information, see Chapter 21, "Multimedia."

Printers. Use this tool to configure existing printers or add a new printer. For more information, see Chapter 23, "Printing and Fonts."

Sound. Use this tool to create or modify sound schemes. (This is available to users who have sound cards on their computers.) For information, see online Help.

System. Use this tool to view general information about your computer. Use Device Manager to list or configure hardware properties. You can also list, copy, or rename hardware profiles and view performance status settings. For information, see Chapter 19, "Devices."