Microsoft Mail Gateway to MHS
MHS is a messaging system commonly found in Novell NetWare networks. With Microsoft Mail Gateway to MHS, users can route mail between Microsoft Mail workgroup postoffices and sites using MHS. Encapsulation technology preserves the following across the MHS backbone:
- Address information
- OLE objects
- Binary file attachments
The Microsoft Mail Gateway to MHS includes the following features:
- Address mail routed to MHS mail users in a familiar Microsoft Mail format.
- Add individual MHS users to the Microsoft Mail Personal Address Book.
- Send or receive an unlimited number of attachments in one message and the attachments can be any type of text or binary files.
- Address MHS users and add them to personal address lists without calling on system administration resources.
- Support error logging for MHS activity.
- Provide compatibility with most popular MHS mail systems, including Da Vinci Systems Mail version 1.8, The Coordinator version II, Lotus® cc:Mail version 3.2, and any fully MHS 1.5-compatible system, such as Novell Global Messaging.