Connecting to a Novell NetWare Connect Server

Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking supports connecting to Novell NetWare resources in two ways:

NetWare Connect allows a Windows 95 client to dial in to a NetWare server running NetWare Connect 1.0.

Note Windows 95 can act only as a client for connecting to a NetWare Connect server. NetWare Connect clients themselves cannot dial up a Windows 95 Dial-Up Server.

The NetWare Connect connection type allows a Windows 95 client to connect directly to a NetWare Connect server and to connect to NetWare servers on the connected local area network.

To use Dial-Up Networking to connect to a NetWare Connect server, you must specify NetWare Connect as the server type in the properties for a Dial-Up Networking connection. You also need to use the Network option in Control Panel to make sure the following are enabled on a Windows 95 dial-up client or server:

If you use Dial-Up Networking to access NetWare Connect servers, you can access data remotely, but you cannot control a computer remotely as you can with the NetWare Connect client software supplied by Novell.

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