Using WIN.COM Switches

The following switches are available to start Windows 95 from the command prompt when you need to isolate an error condition:

win [/d:[f] [m] [n] [s] [v] [x]]

The /d: switch is used for troubleshooting when Windows 95 does not start correctly. The switches in the following table can be used with the /d: switch.




Turn off 32-bit disk access. Try this if the computer appears to have disk problems, or if Windows 95 stalls. This is equivalent to 32BitDiskAccess=FALSE in SYSTEM.INI.


Starts Windows 95 in Safe Mode.


Starts Windows 95 in Safe Mode with Networking.


Specifies that Windows 95 not use ROM address space between F000:0000 and 1 MB for a break point. Try this if Windows 95 stalls during system startup. This is equivalent to SystemROMBreakPoint=FALSE in SYSTEM.INI.


Specifies that the ROM routine should handle interrupts from the hard disk controller. Try this if Windows 95 stalls during system startup or disk operations. This is equivalent to VirtualHDIRQ=FALSE in SYSTEM.INI.


Excludes all of the adapter area from the memory that Windows 95 scans to find unused space. This is equivalent to EMMExclude=A000-FFFF in SYSTEM.INI.