Network Commands

The following networking commands can be used at the command prompt, in batch files, and in configuration files such as AUTOEXEC.BAT. Some commands are applicable only in real mode, such as before Windows 95 starts, or if your computer uses only real-mode networking.



net config

Displays the controllable services that are running.

net diag

Runs the Microsoft Network Diagnostic program to display diagnostic information about your network.

net help or
net /?

Provides a list of network commands and topics you can get help with, or provides help with a specific command or topic.

net init1

Loads protocol and network adapter drivers without binding them. This may be necessary for network adapter drivers from other vendors. You can bind them using net start bind.

net logoff1,2

Breaks the connection between your computer and the network resources to which it is connected.

net logon1,2

Identifies you as a member of a workgroup.

net password2,3

Changes your logon password.

net print2

Displays or controls print jobs.

net start1

Starts a service or displays a list of started services.

net stop1

Stops a network service.

net time

Synchronizes the computer's clock with that of a server or domain, or displays the time for a server or domain.

net use

Connects a computer to or disconnects it from a shared resource, or displays information about computer connections.

net ver

Displays the type and version number of the network redirector you are using.

net view

Displays a list of servers or displays resources being shared by a server.

1 This command is available only in real mode, and cannot be used in an MS-DOS window.

2 This command is not supported for NetWare NCP servers.

3 The form net password /domain:name or net password \\server can be used in an MS-DOS window. However, the standard form of net password is available only in real mode, and cannot be used in an MS-DOS window.