[Strings] Section



The [Strings] section defines one or more strings keys. A strings key is a name that represents a string of printable characters. Although the [Strings] section is generally the last section in the INF files, a strings key defined in this section may be used anywhere in the INF file that the corresponding string would be used. Setup expands the strings key to the given string and uses it for further processing. Using a strings key requires that it be enclosed in percent signs (%). The [Strings] section makes localization easier by placing all localizable text in the INF file in a single section. Strings keys should be used whenever possible.


A unique name consisting of letters and digits.


A string consisting of letters, digits, or other printable characters. It should be enclosed in double quotation marks if the corresponding strings key is used in an entry that requires double quotation marks.

The following example shows the [Strings] section for a sample INF file.

DevDesc1=APEX DRIVERS SCSI II Host Adapter
ID1="APEX DRIVERS SuperSCSI Installation disk"

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