The actual name for this section is the identifier for the network adapter, as defined in the related INF file. This section sets parameters for a specific network adapter, as defined in the [netcard.NDI] sections of the network device INF files provided with Windows 95.
In general, it is recommended that you rely on detection in Windows 95 Setup to install the correct driver and define the correct configuration settings.
All entries for a [netcard_ID] section depend on the specific adapter. The actual parameters and settings for a specific network adapter can be found in that adapter's INF file in the Windows INF directory.
To locate settings for a network adapter, check NET.INF for entries such as the following:
CardBrand=brand of network adapter
INFFile=file where these settings can be found
In the related INF file for the specific network adapter, search for the adapter's name. For example, you might find the following entry for an Intel EtherExpress 16 network adapter:
; *PNP812D Intel Etherexpress 16 or 16TP
The information in the netcard.INF file is followed by the specific settings, using this format:
;netcard model name
actual settings for adapter
For example, for the adapter in the previous example, the following entry appears in the NETEE16.INF file:
Based on the AddReg= entry in this statement, you need to search for the [*pnp812d.ndi.reg] or [EXP16.ndi.reg] sections in the INF file to find the parameters required for a particular adapter. For example, for the related Intel EtherExpress adapter, the following sections appear in NETEE16.INF:
HKR,NDI\params\DMAChannel,ParamDesc,,"DMA Channel"
These entries describe the parameters that can be specified for the adapter in a setup script. Further, in this same part of the netcard.INF file, the statements also indicate the kinds and ranges of values that can be specified for a particular parameter. For example, in NETEE16.INF, the following statements indicate that for DMAChannel= you must specify an integer in the range of 1 – 3, where the default value is 1:
The following entry in NETEE16.INF indicates that for Transceiver= you can specify the values external or onboard (based on the first string that appears after the enum item):
Based on the previous examples, the following shows an example of the [netcard] section you would add to MSBATCH.INF to set parameters for an Intel EtherExpress 16 or 16TP network adapter:
Notice that you only need to set values for the parameters where you do not want to use the defaults. For a list of possible parameters for some common network adapters, see "Windows 95 Network Adapter INF Summary" later in this appendix.