Using Terminal and Script Settings for Remote Logons

When you use RAS to connect to a remote computer, the remote computer will probably require a specific series of commands and responses to successfully log you on to the remote system. The sequence is identical each time you log on to the remote system.

If both the remote server and client are Windows NT 3.5 computers, connection and logon can be completely automated using Windows NT built-in security. If you log on to the Windows NT RAS client using a username and password that is valid on the remote network, and select the Authenticate Using Current User Name and Password check box in the Edit Phone Book Entry dialog box, Windows NT RAS will automatically connect to the remote Windows NT 3.5 RAS server.

If the remote computer you are logging on to is not a Windows NT 3.5 computer, you must configure the Security settings for each RAS entry to handle the log on requirements for the remote device you are connecting to. The remote logon will be either manual using a Terminal screen that allows you to interact with the remote computer, or you can automate the remote log on using scripts that are stored in SWITCH.INF or PAD.INF (for X.25 networks).

This section explains how to use the RAS Terminal screen and also describes how to create and use automatic scripts for logon to remote computers.