Browser Object

Object: Browser Index: 052 Novice

Browser Statistics

Announcements Domain/sec Novice

Announcements Domain/sec is the rate that a Domain has announced itself to the network.

Index: 078 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT Counter Size: 8 bytes

Announcements Server/sec Novice

Announcements Server/sec is the rate that the servers in this domain have announced themselves to this server.

Index: 054 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT Counter Size: 8 bytes

Announcements Total/sec Novice

Announcements Total/sec is the sum of Announcements Server/sec and Announcements Domain/sec.

Index: 188 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT Counter Size: 8 bytes

Duplicate Master Announcements Novice

Duplicate Master Announcements indicates the number of times that the master browser has detected another master browser on the same domain.

Index: 812 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT Counter Size: 4 bytes

Election Packets/sec Novice

Election Packets/sec is the rate of browser election packets that have been received by this workstation.

Index: 080 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes

Enumerations Domain/sec Novice

Enumerations Domain/sec is the rate of Domain browse requests that have been processed by this workstation.

Index: 158 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes

Enumerations Other/sec Novice

Enumerations Other/sec is the rate of browse requests processed by this workstation that were not domain or server browse requests.

Index: 160 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes

Enumerations Server/sec Novice

Enumerations Server/sec is the rate of Server browse requests that have been processed by this workstation.

Index: 156 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes

Enumerations Total/sec Novice

Enumerations Total/sec is the rate of browse requests that have been processed by this workstation. This is the sum of Enumerations Server, Enumerations Domain, and Enumerations Other.

Index: 190 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes

Illegal Datagrams/sec Novice

Illegal Datagrams/sec is the rate of incorrectly formatted datagrams that have been received by the workstation.

Index: 814 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT Counter Size: 8 bytes

Mailslot Allocations Failed Novice

Mailslot Allocations Failed is the number of times the datagram receiver has failed to allocate a buffer to hold a user mailslot write.

Index: 170 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT Counter Size: 4 bytes

Mailslot Opens Failed/sec Novice

Mailslot Opens Failed/sec indicates the rate of mailslot messages received by this workstation that were to be delivered to mailslots that are not present on this workstation.

Index: 810 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes

Mailslot Receives Failed Novice

Mailslot Receives Failed indicates the number of mailslot messages that couldn't be received due to transport failures.

Index: 806 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT Counter Size: 4 bytes

Mailslot Writes Failed Novice

Mailslot Writes Failed is the total number of mailslot messages that have been successfully received, but that were unable to be written to the mailslot.

Index: 808 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT Counter Size: 4 bytes

Mailslot Writes/sec Novice

Mailslot Writes/sec is the rate of mailslot messages that have been successfully received.

Index: 082 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes

Missed Mailslot Datagrams Novice

Missed Mailslot Datagrams is the number of Mailslot Datagrams that have been discarded due to configuration or allocation limits.

Index: 164 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT Counter Size: 4 bytes

Missed Server Announcements Novice

Missed Server Announcements is the number of server announcements that have been missed due to configuration or allocation limits.

Index: 162 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT Counter Size: 4 bytes

Missed Server List Requests Novice

Missed Server List Requests is the number of requests to retrieve a list of browser servers that were received by this workstation, but could not be processed.

Index: 166 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT Counter Size: 4 bytes

Server Announce Allocations Failed/sec Novice

Server Announce Allocations Failed/sec is the rate of server (or domain) announcements that have failed due to lack of memory.

Index: 168 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes

Server List Requests/sec Novice

Server List Requests/sec is the rate of requests to retrieve a list of browser servers that have been processed by this workstation.

Index: 084 Default Scale: 1

Counter Type: PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER Counter Size: 4 bytes