Data Stream Protocols

Every DBMS uses a logical data stream protocol that enables the transfer of requests, data, status, error messages, and so on, between the DBMS and its clients. The API uses interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms supported by the operating system and network to package and transport this logical protocol.

The data stream protocol for Microsoft SQL Server is called Tabular Data Stream (TDS). TDS is also used by Open Data Services and SYBASE® software to transfer requests and responses between the client and the server. Because TDS is a logical data stream protocol, it requires physical network IPC mechanisms to transmit the data. The Net-Library architecture described later in this chapter provides a method of sending TDS across a physical network connection.

Data stream protocols are typically proprietary, developed and optimized to work exclusively with a particular DBMS. An application accessing multiple databases must, therefore, be able to use multiple data stream protocols. Using ODBC helps resolve this problem for application developers.

With ODBC implementations, the data stream protocol differences are resolved at the driver level. Each driver emits the data stream using the protocol established by the server. The SQL Server ODBC driver emits TDS directly; it does not translate or otherwise encapsulate DB-Library function calls.