Browser Service Entries

The parameters that control network bindings for the Browser service are described in "NetRules Subkey Entries," earlier in this chapter.

Under the following Registry path, two parameters are found:


CacheHitLimit REG_DWORD 0 to 256

Describes the number of NetServerEnum requests required to qualify that the response to a NetServerEnum request be cached. If the browser receives more than CacheHitLimit NetServerEnum requests with a particular set of parameters, it caches the response and returns that value to the client.

Default: 1

CacheResponseSize REG_DWORD 0 to xffffffff

Specifies the maximum number of responses kept for each transport. To disable this feature, set this value to 0.

Default: 10

MaintainServerList REG_SZ Boolean or Auto

If this value is No, this server is not a browse server. If this value is Yes, this server becomes a browse server. It attempts to contact the Master Browse Server to get a current browse list. If it cannot find the Master Browse Server, it forces an election and is, of course, a candidate to become the master.

If MaintainServerList is Auto, this server may or may not become a browse server, depending on the results of the Registry exchange with the Master Browse Server.

If MaintainServerList is set to Yes, the computer is configured to always be a backup browser.

Default: Auto, if none is present. (This server contacts the Master Browse Server, and the Master Browse Server tells this server whether it should become a browse server.)

QueryDriverFrequency REG_DWORD 0 to 900

Indicates the time after which a browser master will invalidate its NetServerEnum response cache and the frequency that a master browser will query the browser driver to retrieve the list of servers. Increasing this time makes browsing somewhat faster, but browse information will not necessarily be 100 percent accurate to the minute. Lowering this time makes browse response more accurate, but will increase the CPU load on the browse master.

Default: 30

The following Browser driver parameters are found under this Registry path for the Datagram Receiver:


BrowserServerDeletionThreshold REG_DWORD

BrowserDomainDeletionThreshold REG_DWORD 0 to 0xffffffff

If more than BrowserServerDeletionThreshold servers (or BrowserDomainDeletionThreshold) servers (or domains) are flushed in a 30-second interval, this will cause an event to be generated.

Default: 0xffffffff

FindMasterTimeout REG_DWORD 0 to 0xfffffff

Specifies the maximum number of seconds that FindMaster requests should be allowed to take. If you have a slow LAN, you may want to increase this value (but only if directed by Microsoft Product Support services).

Default: 0xffffffff

GetBrowserListThreshold REG_DWORD Number

Represents the threshold that the Browser uses before logging an error indicating that too many of these requests have been "missed." If more requests than the value of GetBrowserServerList are missed in an hour, the Browser logs an event indicating that this has happened.

Default: 0xffffffff (That is, never log events.)

MailslotDatagramThreshold REG_DWORD Number

Represents the threshold that the Browser uses before logging an error indicating that too many of these requests have been "missed." If more mailslots than the value of MailslotDatagramThreshold are missed in an hour, the Browser logs an event indicating that this has happened.

Default: 0xffffffff (That is, never log events.)