Format of the DOSNET.INF File

The DOSNET.INF file is a text file composed of sections that contain no scripting language. Files are listed in the following format:


Note The d1 value is not a disk number. This value, as defined in the [Directories] section of this file, indicates where the file exists relative to the directory in which the DOSNET.INF file is located on the distribution share. You can specify subdirectories, but not parent directories, of the directory in which the DOSNET.INF file is located.

Unlike the other .INF files, the DOSNET.INF file does not have a [Source Media Descriptions] section. In fact, no disk numbers are listed in it, because it is used for installing over the network or CD, rather than from floppy disks.

The following is an example of a typical section in the DOSNET.INF file:

[Files] d1,256COLOR.BMP d1,3DGARRO.CUR d1,3DGMOVE.CUR d1,3DGNESW.CUR ...