Adding a New Optional Accessory

Setup gives the user the opportunity to choose what optional accessories to install and then creates a new program item for them in the Accessories Program Manager group. To add a new accessory, you must create the files, add the files to the distribution share, and then add the files to the [Files] section of the TXTSETUP.SIF file. Then you need to make modifications to the PARTIAL.INF and DOSNET.INF files.

For example, the Terra Flora administrator is adding a program called ORGCHART.EXE to the Accessories program group. To do this, the administrator first modifies the PARTIAL.INF file by adding "OrgChart" lines to the [Files-I386-WindowsOptions], [OptionalAccessoriesENG], and [AccessoriesItemsENG] sections, as shown in the following example:

[Files-I386-WindowsOptions] Calculator = 2,CALC.EXE , SIZE=999 Cardfile = 2,CARDFILE.EXE , SIZE=999 OrgChart = 2,ORGCHART.EXE , SIZE=999 CDPlayer = 2,CDPLAYER.EXE , SIZE=999 [OptionalAccessoriesENG] Calculator = "Calculator" Cardfile = "Cardfile" OrgChart = "Terra Flora Organizational Chart" Clock = "Clock" [AccessoriesItemsENG] Paintbrush = "Paintbrush", PBRUSH.EXE , PBRUSH.EXE , "" , 0 Chat = "Chat", WINCHAT.EXE , WINCHAT.EXE , "" , 0 OrgChart = "Org. Chart" , ORGCHART.EXE , ORGCHART.EXE , "" , 0 Terminal = "Terminal", TERMINAL.EXE , TERMINAL.EXE , "" , 0

Next, the administrator adds the line "d1,ORGCHART.EXE" to the DOSNET.INF file as shown in the following example:

[Files] d1,256COLOR.BMP d1,40291730.PPD d1,40293930.PPD d1,ORGCHART.EXE ...