Adding TrueType Fonts to Setup

If you have a license for the Microsoft Font Pack for Windows, you might want to have those fonts installed automatically by Setup. For each TrueType font there is a .TTF file and a .FOT file. The extension .TTF is given to the actual TrueType font file. The .FOT extension is used for the font header that points to the .TTF file.

Typically, during installation of the font pack or when installing a TrueType font from the Control Panel, the .FOT file is created and appropriate entries are made in the Windows NT Registry. To create the .FOT files that are installed on the Windows NT workstation, you first need to install the font pack on any computer, and then copy the .TTF and .FOT files to the Windows NT distribution share.

For the purpose of demonstration, we will install only four fonts—Arial® Narrow, Arial Narrow Bold, Arial Narrow Bold Italic, and Arial Narrow Italic. The files for these fonts are listed in the following table:

TrueType file

TrueType font header









Add these files to Setup, as described earlier in "Adding a File to the Windows NT Installation." Make sure to install the files into the SystemRoot\SYSTEM directory by including them in the [Files-I386-nt-system16always] section.

Next, add the fonts to the [FontList] section of the INITIAL.INF file, so that the fonts will be added to the Windows NT Registry. In the example that follows, the last four lines have been added.

INITIAL.INF [FontList] "Arial (TrueType)" = ARIAL.FOT .... "Times New Roman Italic (TrueType)" = TIMESI.FOT "WingDings (TrueType)" = WINGDING.FOT "Arial Narrow (TrueType)" = ARIALN.FOT "Arial Narrow Bold (TrueType)" = ARIALNB.FOT "Arial Narrow Bold Italic (TrueType)" = ARIALNBI.FOT "Arial Narrow Italic (TrueType)" = ARIALNI.FOT

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