Recurrence Patterns

The recurrence pattern is defined by three fields that, in combination, define the following recurrence patterns: daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly defined by a pattern, monthly defined by a date, yearly defined by a pattern, and yearly defined by a date.

The three fields used to define the recurrence types and patterns are describe in the following table.

Table 9.2 Recurrence Pattern Fields



wgrfValidMonths bbbbbbbbbbbb

Enumerates valid months of the year, where bbbbbbbbbbbb is 12 bits, each being either T or F and representing January through December.

All bits are T in every recurrence type except yearly. In the yearly case, all but one bit will be F. The T bit indicates which month the yearly appointment falls into in either of the yearly recurrence patterns.

bgrfValidDows bbbbbbb

Enumerates valid days of the week where bbbbbbb is 7 bits, T or F, representing Sunday through Saturday.
(Note that in this syntax the week always starts on Sunday regardless of the user's start of week designation in Schedule+ Options.)

All bits are T in the case of a monthly or yearly recurrence defined by the specific date. In the daily-every weekday recurrence or the monthly or yearly recurrences defined as the x weekday, the first and seventh bits are F, and all others are T. In the monthly or yearly recurrence where field 2 is weekend day (see the description of fields below), the first and seventh bits are T and all others are F. In all other recurrence types, one or more bits are T to indicate the days of the week on which the appointment falls.

[Week bb 0 |
IWeek bbbbb 0 |
Date x]

trecur is followed by one of these terms to describe the recurrence type:

Week bb 0—daily or weekly (bb is FF); trecur and bgrfValidDows are used in conjunction to define the daily or weekly recurrence. The days of the week are indicated as described above.

Week bb 0—biweekly (if bb is TF, this means even weeks; if bb is TT, this means odd weeks; based on the start day of the week); trecur and bgrfValidDows are used in conjunction to define the biweekly recurrence.

IWeek bbbbb 0—monthly or yearly, defined by a pattern instead of the date. If you look at the choices for the monthly recurrence in Schedule+, you'll see that the pattern is defined by two fields. For example, a monthly appointment can be on the first (field 1) weekday (field 2) of the month. The yearly pattern is defined by three fields. The first two are the same as the monthly fields, and field 3 is the month of the year. IWeek is followed by five bits with T or F; only one of these bits can be T. Field 2 of the monthly or yearly recurrence pattern is defined by bgrfValidDows. For example, if field 2 is a weekday, bgrfValidDows would be FTTTTTF. Field 3 in the yearly pattern is defined by wgrfValidMonths.

Date x—monthly or yearly, defined by the date x (the day of the month, 1–31). If it is a monthly occurrence, all months are T in wgrfValidMonths. If it is a yearly occurrence, one month of the year is indicated by T in wgrfValidMonths, and the rest are F.