Color, Pattern, and Screen Saver Entries for Users

This section describes the subkeys that contain settings for user preferences related to the desktop.

Colors Entry Values

The Colors subkey specifies the color as a series of three numbers for each area of the Windows screen, in the following Registry path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors

Each entry has a REG_SZ data type. The following lists the defaults for each entry under the Colors subkey:

ActiveBorder=192 192 192
ActiveTitle=0 0 128
AppWorkSpace=255 255 255
Background=255 255 255
ButtonFace=192 192 192
ButtonHilight=255 255 255
ButtonShadow=128 128 128
ButtonText=0 0 0
GrayText=128 128 128
Hilight=0 0 128
HilightText=255 255 255
InactiveBorder=192 192 192
InactiveTitle=192 192 192
InactiveTitleText=0 0 0
Menu=255 255 255
MenuText=0 0 0
Scrollbar=192 192 192
TitleText=255 255 255
Window=255 255 255
WindowFrame=0 0 0
WindowText=0 0 0

Color Schemes Entry Values

The entries in the Color Schemes subkey define the colors for each element of specific color schemes, as set by choosing the Color icon in Control Panel. These entries appear under the following Registry path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Color Schemes

The Current subkey specifies the current color scheme, based on those listed in the Color Schemes subkey.

The Custom Colors subkey defines the custom colors in the color palette, as set
by choosing the Color icon in Control Panel. The entries are designated ColorA through ColorP, and all have the value ffffFF by default.

Each entry in these subkeys has a REG_SZ data type.

Patterns Entry Values

The Patterns subkey contains entries that define the color values for the bitmap patterns, as set by choosing the Desktop icon. Each value is a set of eight numbers, corresponding to the colors in the eight basic elements of the pattern.

Each entry has a REG_SZ data type.

Screen Saver Subkey Entry Values

The various Screen Saver subkeys define user preferences for specific screen savers. All entries have a REG_SZ data type. The following table summarizes the default entries under the Screen Saver subkeys.

Screen Save subkey

Default value entries

Screen Saver.Bezier

Screen Saver.Marquee

BackgroundColor=0 0 128
Font=Times New Roman
Text=Your text goes here.
TextColor=255 0 255

Screen Saver.Mystify

Clear Screen=1
EndColor1=255 255 255
EndColor2=255 255 255
StartColor1=0 0 0
StartColor2=0 0 0

Screen Saver.Stars


Additional screen saver settings are defined in the Desktop subkey, described later in this section.