Registry Entries for Winlogon

The Registry value entries that control the logon sequence for starting Windows NT are found under the following Registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

AutoAdminLogon REG_SZ 0 or 1

Specifies automatic logon if this value is 1. You must also add the value entry DefaultPassword with a value for the user listed under DefaultUserName for automatic logon to work.

When AutoAdminLogon is used, Windows NT automatically logs on the specified user when the system is started, bypassing the CTRL+ALT+DEL logon dialog box.

DefaultDomainName REG_SZ Domain name

Specifies the name of the last successfully logged on domain.


DefaultPassword REG_SZ Password

Specifies the password for the user listed under DefaultUserName. Used during automatic logon.

DefaultUserName REG_SZ Username

Specifies the name of the last successfully logged on user. If values are defined for DefaultPassword and AutoAdminLogon, this is the user who is logged on by default during automatic logon.

DontDisplayLastUserName REG_SZ 0 or 1

By default, Windows NT displays the name of the last person to log on in the Username space of the Welcome dialog box. Set this value to 1 (true) if you want the Username space to be blank.

Default: 0 (false)

LegalNoticeCaption REG_SZ String

Specifies a caption for a message to appear when the user presses CTRL+ALT+DEL during logon. Add this value entry if you want to add a warning to be displayed when a user attempts to log on to a Windows NT system. The user cannot proceed with logging on without acknowledging this message.

To specify text for the message, you must also specify a value for LegalNoticeText.

Default: (none)

LegalNoticeText REG_SZ String

Specifies for a message to appear when the user presses CTRL+ALT+DEL during logon. Add this value entry if you want to add a warning to be displayed when a user attempts to log on to a Windows NT system. The user cannot proceed with logging on without acknowledging this message.

To include a caption for the logon notice, you must also specify a value for LegalNoticeCaption.

Default: (none)

ParseAutoexec REG_SZ 0 or 1

If the value is set to 1, AUTOEXEC.BAT is parsed when you log on to Windows NT. If the value is set to 0, AUTOEXEC.BAT is not parsed. This has no effect on the parsing of AUTOEXEC.NT or CONFIG.NT.

Default: 1

PowerdownAfterShutdown REG_SZ 0 or 1

If the value is set to 1, you can select Shutdown and Power Off from the Shutdown and Logoff menus. If the value is 0, the Power Off button does not appear.

Default: 0 on NTAS, 1 on NT

ShutdownWithoutLogon REG_SZ 0 or 1

If the value is set to 1, you can select Shutdown without Power Off from the Welcome dialog box. If the value is 0, the Shutdown without Power Off button does not appear.

Default: 0 on Windows NT Server, 1 on Windows NT Workstation

ReportBootOk REG_SZ 0 or 1

When this value is set to 0, it disables the automatic (default) startup acceptance, which happens after the first successful logon. This value must be 0 if you use alternate settings in the BootVerification or BootVerificationProgram keys.

Default: 1

Shell REG_SZ Executable names

Specifies executables that are run by USERINIT and that are expected to be in the user's shell program. If for some reason WinLogon cannot start the entries listed in Userinit, then WinLogon will execute the entries in Shell directly.

Default: taskman,progman,wowexec

System REG_SZ Executable names

Specifies executables to be run by WinLogon in the system context. These are activated during system initialization.

Default: lsass.exe,spoolss.exe

Taskman REG_SZ Executable name

Allows you to specify a different task manager.

Default: (none)

Userinit REG_SZ Executable names

Specifies executables to be run by WinLogon when a user logs on. These executables are run in the user context. The first entry (USERINIT) is responsible for executing the shell program. NDDEAGNT.EXE is needed to run NetDDE.


The Registry values that allow you to specify and retain your shutdown settings are in the following Registry path:


LogoffSetting REG_DWORD 0, 1, 2, or 3

Default: 0

ShutdownSetting REG_DWORD 1, 2, or 3

Default: 0

Both these settings represent selections for the Logoff and Shutdown dialog boxes, allowing you to keep your favorite selections. The values are:

0 = Logoff
1 = Shutdown
2 = Shutdown and Restart
3 = Shutdown and Power Off

Selection 3 is available only if the computer hardware supports it.