Registry Entries for Printing

Note Before making any changes to the Registry, stop the print spooler via either the Control Panel or by typing "net stop spooler" at the command prompt. After you have made changes to the Registry, restrart the spooler, via either the Control Panel or by typing "net start spooler" at the command prompt.

The Registry contains printer information in these locations:

By default, this will apply to all printers. However, if you want to override the spool setting on a per-printer basis, add the value SpoolDirectory, type REG_SZ, and set it to the spool path for the printer under the following key:

\Control\Print\Printers\[printer name]

Restart the system for this change to take effect.

The following illustration indicates what can be found in Print subkeys.

With the exception of spool directories, always use Print Manager to change configuration settings for all printers.

Values that control print spooling and other aspects of printer support are found in the following Registry path:


BeepEnabled REG_DWORD 0 or 1

When remote jobs get an error on a print server, you can enable beeping each time the job is retried (every 10 seconds).

Default: 0 (disabled)

DisableServerThread REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Set this to 1 (true) to disable the browse thread on the current machine. This thread is used to call other printer servers to notify them that this printer exists.

Default: 0 (false)

FastPrintSlowDownThreshold REG_DWORD Milliseconds

Default: FastPrintWaitTimeout divided by FastPrintThrottleTimeout

FastPrintThrottleTimeout REG_DWORD Milliseconds

When JobPrintsWhilstSpooling is enabled, some printers pause if they don't receive data for a timeout period (usually 15 seconds for a Postscript printer). To counteract this, the spooler throttles back on data sent to the printer when FastPrintSlowDownThreshold is reached. At that point, FastPrintThrottleTimeout causes 1 byte per defined period to be sent to the printer until the threshold defined by FastPrintSlowDownTheshold is exceeded.

Default: 2,000 (2 seconds)

FastPrintWaitTimeout REG_DWORD Milliseconds

When JobPrintsWhilstSpooling is enabled, the port thread must synchronize with the spooling application. This value determines how long the port thread waits before giving up, pausing the current print job, and moving to the next print job.

Default: 24,000 (4 minutes)

NetPrinterDecayPeriod REG_DWORD Milliseconds

Specifies how long to cache a network printer. The cache is used to present the list of printers when the browse dialog is used.

Default: 3,600,000 (1 hour)

PortThreadPriority REG_DWORD Priority

Allows you to set the priority of the port threads. These are the threads that do the output to the printers.


PriorityClass REG_DWORD Class

Sets the priority class for the spooler. 0 or no value indicates the default (7 for workstations, 9 for servers). Any other value becomes the priority class for the server.

Default: 0

SchedulerThreadPriority REG_DWORD Priority

Allows you to set the priority of the scheduler thread, which is used to assign jobs to ports.



To control network popups for remote print jobs, add the value NetPopup to the key found in the following Registry path:


NetPopup REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Specifies whether to display a popup message for remote print jobs.

Default: 1

EventLog REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Specifies whether event logging occurs from the spooler.

Default: 0

The following values control print and point features of Windows NT so that drivers can only be loaded from a trusted print server, rather than from the server to which the user is connected. These values are in the following Registry path:

\Providers\LanMan Print Services

LoadTrustedDrivers REG_DWORD 0 or 1

If set to 1 (enabled), drivers are not installed from the remote print server, but are taken only from the path specified in TrustedDriverPath.

Default: 0 (disabled)

TrustedDriverPath REG_SZ String

Specifies the path from which you can install printer drivers. The path represents the trusted print server shares. Note that even though you connect to a particular server, you will not get the printer drivers from that server. You will only get the driver settings from that server. The drivers are copied only from the TrustedDriverPath.

Default: (none)