Installing SNMP

You must be logged on as a member of the Administrators group for the local computer to install and configure SNMP. To use IPX protocol with SNMP, you must also install TCP/IP.

For more information about installing TCP/IP, see, "Installing and Configuring Microsoft TCP/IP and SNMP," in Chapter 11 of the Windows NT Networking Guide.

To install Microsoft TCP/IP and SNMP on a Windows NT computer

1. Double-click the Network icon in Control Panel to display the Network Settings dialog box.

2. Choose the Add Software button to display the Add Network Software dialog box.

3. Select TCP/IP Protocol And Related Components from the Network Software box, and then choose the Continue button.

4. In the Windows NT TCP/IP Installation Options dialog box, select the options for the TCP/IP components you want to install, including SNMP Service. If any TCP/IP elements have been installed previously, they are dimmed and not available. When you have selected the options you want, choose the Continue button.

Windows NT Setup displays a message prompting for the full path to the Windows NT distribution files.

5. In the Windows NT Setup dialog box, enter the full path to the Windows NT distribution files, and then choose the Continue button.

All necessary files are copied to your hard disk.

6. The SNMP Service Configuration dialog box automatically opens when the SNMP installation completes. See the next section, "Configuring SNMP," for information about this dialog box.