For a PPP server, if the remote computer you dial in to requires you to log on with a terminal screen, you must configure the Security settings for that RAS entry to use a RAS Terminal logon. SLIP servers automatically use a RAS Terminal logon and do not require you to configure any Security settings.
After RAS connects to the remote system, a character-based window appears and displays the logon sequence from the remote computer. You use this window to interact with the remote computer for logging on. Alternatively, you can automate this manual logon as described in the section, "Automating Remote Logons Using SWITCH.INF Scripts."
On some commercial networks, you will be presented with a large menu of available services before you log on. On old, established SLIP servers, you may go through an extensive sequence of commands that updates files, collects data about you, or configures your SLIP connection during your logon process. On a new PPP server, you may be prompted for only your username and password before you are given a connection.
If the remote computer is a Microsoft RAS server, you do not need to use a terminal logon. Instead, logon is completely automated for you.
To configure a Windows NT RAS entry to use RAS Terminal after dialing
1. In Remote Access, select the entry to which you want to connect.
2. Choose the Edit button.
3. If the Security button is not visible, choose the Advanced button.
4. Choose the Security button.
5. Select the Use Clear Text Terminal Login Only option. You do not need to select Terminal in the After Dialing box. The Terminal option is used with intermediary devices and not for remote logons. In Help, have a jump to intermediary devices topic.
This is for PPP servers. SLIP servers automatically use Terminal and do not require you to configure the Security settings.
6. Choose the OK button until you return to the main Remote Access screen.
After you dial and connect to this entry, the After Dial Terminal window appears and you will see prompts from the remote computer. You then log on to the remote computer using the After Dial Terminal window. After you have completed all interactions with the remote computer, choose the Done button. If you are connecting to a SLIP server, you must also enter an IP address in the bottom right corner of the SLIP Terminal window and choose the Done button.
If the logon sequence does not vary, you can write a script that automatically passes information to the remote computer during the logon sequence, enabling completely automatic connections. If you are connecting to a SLIP server and the logon sequence is consistent, you can automate everything except passing the IP address and choosing the Done button.
After you activate a script, for non-SLIP connections, you will no longer see the Terminal window.
For more information, see "Automating Remote Logons Using SWITCH.INF Scripts," "Activating SWITCH.INF Scripts," and "Troubleshooting Scripts Using DEVICE.LOG" later in this chapter.