Activating SWITCH.INF Scripts

After you have created a script in SWITCH.INF, you can configure a RAS entry to execute the script before dialing, after dialing, or both.

To activate a script in Windows NT

1. In Remote Access, select the entry to which you want to connect.

2. Choose the Edit button.

3. If the Security button is not visible, choose the Advanced button.

4. Choose the Security button.

5. In the Security Settings dialog box, in the After Dialing or Before Dialing box, select the name of the script.

By default, None is selected. The section header in SWITCH.INF appears as the name of the script.

6. Select the Accept Any Authentication Including Clear Text option.

You only need to configure this for PPP connections.

Selecting this option turns off the terminal and the Authentication dialog box appears. To prevent this dialog box from appearing, in the Edit Phone Book Entry dialog box, select the Authenticate Using Current User Name and Password check box.

7. Choose the OK button until you return to the main Remote Access screen.

When you dial this entry, the selected script will execute and complete all communication with the remote device before or after RAS dials the remote host.