Platform SDK: DirectX

DirectInput QuickTest


The DirectInput QuickTest application allows you to see the properties of devices and device objects, and to see the input data from a device.


Executable: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\DInput\Bin\Diquick.exe

User's Guide

On the opening screen, select a device and click the Create button. If the device is successfully created, you see a property sheet with four different tabbed pages.

On the Mode tabbed page, choose a cooperative level, a data mode, and an axis mode. For a joystick, you will have to choose the polled data mode. You also need to confirm the device type in the "Form of" box. If you want to see buffered data, you must set the buffer size to greater than zero on this tabbed page.

The Caps tabbed page gives you miscellaneous information about the device.

On the Objects tabbed page you can enumerate selected buttons and axes on the device. The Properties button brings up a summary of the data represented by the DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE structure (C++) or DirectInputDeviceObjectInstance object (Visual Basic) for the selected object. You can also set the range, deadzone, and saturation for an axis on this property sheet.

Finally, on the Data tabbed page you see input data from the device: immediate data on the left, and buffered data (if you've set a buffer size) on the right.