Platform SDK: DirectX

JoyFFeed Sample

[Visual Basic]

This topic pertains only to application development in C and C++. See DirectInput Visual Basic Samples.



This application applies raw forces to a force-feedback joystick, illustrating how a simulator-type application can use force feedback to generate forces computed by a physics engine.

You must have a force-feedback device connected to your system in order to run the application.


Source: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\DInput\Src\JoyFFeed

Executable: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\DInput\Bin

User's Guide

When you run the application, it displays a window with a crosshair and a black spot in it. Click the mouse anywhere within the window's client area to move the black spot. (Note that moving the joystick handle does not do anything.) JoyFFeed exerts a constant force on the joystick handle from the direction of the spot, in proportion to the distance from the crosshair. You can also hold down the mouse button and move the spot continuously.

Programming Notes

This sample program enumerates the input devices and acquires the first force-feedback joystick that it finds. If none are detected, it displays a message and terminates.

When the user moves the black spot, the joySetForcesXY function converts the cursor coordinates to a force direction and magnitude. This data is used to modify the parameters of the constant force effect.