Platform SDK: DirectX


The IDirectMusicPerformance::AssignPChannelBlock method assigns a block of 16 performance channels (PChannels) to the performance and maps them to a port and a channel group. This method must be called when a port has been added to a performance, except when the default port has been added by passing NULL to IDirectMusicPerformance::AddPort.

HRESULT AssignPChannelBlock(
  DWORD dwBlockNum,
  IDirectMusicPort* pPort,
  DWORD dwGroup


Block number, in which 0 represents channels 0 through 15, 1 represents channels 16 through 31, and so on.
Address of a variable that contains the port to which the channels are assigned.
Channel group on the port. Must be 1 or greater.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK or S_FALSE (see Remarks).

If it fails, the method can return one of the following error values:



The method returns S_FALSE if dwGroup is out of the range of the port. The channels have been assigned, but the port cannot play this group.

The method returns E_INVALIDARG if the port has not been added to the performance through a call to the IDirectMusicPerformance::AddPort method.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Header: Declared in dmusici.h.

See Also

IDirectMusicPerformance::AssignPChannel, IDirectMusicPerformance::PChannelInfo, Channels