Platform SDK: DirectX


The IDirectMusicPerformance::GetGlobalParam method retrieves global values from the performance.

HRESULT GetGlobalParam(
  REFGUID rguidType, 
  void* pParam,
  DWORD dwSize


Reference to (C++) or address of (C) the identifier of the type of data.
Pointer to the allocated memory to receive a copy of the data. This must be the correct size, which is constant for each type of data. This parametercontains information that was passed in to the IDirectMusicPerformance::SetGlobalParam method.
Size of the data. This is constant for each rguidType.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If it fails, the method can return one of the following error values:



If SetGlobalParam has never been called for rguidType, the parameter might not be in the list of global data being handled by this performance, and the method might return E_INVALIDARG. In other words, do not assume that any parameter has a default value that can be retrieved by using GetGlobalParam.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Header: Declared in dmusici.h.

See Also

IDirectMusicPerformance::SetGlobalParam, IDirectMusicPerformance::GetParam, Music Parameters