Platform SDK: DirectX


The DMUS_SUBCHORD structure is used in the SubChordList member of a DMUS_CHORD_PARAM structure.

typedef struct {
    DWORD dwChordPattern;
    DWORD dwScalePattern;
    DWORD dwInversionPoints;
    DWORD dwLevels;
    BYTE  bChordRoot;
    BYTE  bScaleRoot;


Notes in the subchord. Each of the lower 24 bits represents a semitone, starting with the root at the least significant bit, and the bit is set if the note is in the chord.
Notes in the scale. Each of the lower 24 bits represents a semitone, starting with the root at the least significant bit, and the bit is set if the note is in the scale.
Points in the scale at which inversions can occur. Bits that are off signify that the notes in the interval cannot be inverted. Thus, the pattern 100001111111 indicates that inversions are allowed anywhere except between the fifth and seventh degrees of a major scale.
Bit field showing which levels are supported by this subchord. Each part in a style is assigned a level, and this chord is used only for parts whose levels are contained in this member.
Root of the subchord, in which 0 is the bottom C in the range and 23 is the top B.
Root of the scale, in which 0 is the bottom C in the range and 23 is the top B.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Header: Declared in dmusici.h.