Platform SDK: DirectX


The DMUS_MUTE_PARAM structure is used as the pParam parameter in calls to the various GetParam and SetParam methods when the track is a mute track and rguidType is GUID_MuteParam.

typedef struct _DMUS_MUTE_PARAM {
    DWORD  dwPChannel;
    DWORD  dwPChannelMap;
    BOOL   fMute;


Performance channel to mute or remap. If the structure is being passed to GetParam, this member must be initialized.
Channel to which dwPChannel is being mapped. This member is ignored if fMute is TRUE.
TRUE if dwPChannel is being muted.


If you wanted all the notes on PChannel 3 to play on PChannel 9 instead, you would set dwPChannel to 3 and dwPChannelMap to 9 before passing the structure to one of the SetParam methods. If you wanted to mute the notes on PChannel 8, you would set dwPChannel to 8 and dwPChannelMap to 0xFFFFFFFF.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Header: Declared in dmusicf.h.

See Also

IDirectMusicPerformance::GetParam, IDirectMusicPerformance::SetParam, IDirectMusicSegment::GetParam, IDirectMusicSegment::SetParam, IDirectMusicTrack::GetParam, IDirectMusicTrack::SetParam