Platform SDK: DirectX


The DMUS_INSTRUMENT structure contains an instrument definition in a DLS download chunk.

typedef struct {
    ULONG ulPatch;
    ULONG ulFirstRegionIdx;
    ULONG ulGlobalArtIdx;
    ULONG ulFirstExtCkIdx;
    ULONG ulCopyrightIdx;
    ULONG ulFlags;
Patch number of instrument.
Index of first region chunk (see DMUS_REGION) within the instrument. There should always be a region, but for compatibility with future synthesizer architectures, it is acceptable to have 0 in this member.
Index, in the DMUS_OFFSETTABLE structure, of the global articulation chunk (see DMUS_ARTICULATION) for the instrument. If 0, the instrument does not have global articulation.
Index, in the DMUS_OFFSETTABLE structure, of the first extension chunk (see DMUS_EXTENSIONCHUNK) within the instrument. This is used to add new chunks that DirectMusic is unaware of. If 0, no third-party extension chunks associated with the instrument.
Index, in the DMUS_OFFSETTABLE structure, of an optional copyright chunk (see DMUS_COPYRIGHT). If 0, no copyright information is associated with the instrument.
Additional flags for the instrument. The following flag is defined:
The instrument is a standard General MIDI instrument. In the case of patch overlap, GM instruments always have lower priority than other DLS instruments. For example, if a GM instrument is downloaded with patch 0 and a non-GM instrument is also downloaded at patch 0, the non-GM instrument is always selected for playback.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Header: Declared in dmdls.h.