Platform SDK: DirectX

Why Use DirectPlay?

Instead of forcing the developer to deal with the differences that each connectivity solution represents, DirectPlay provides well-defined, generalized communication capabilities. DirectPlay shields developers from the underlying complexities of diverse connectivity implementations, freeing them to concentrate on producing great applications.

The DirectPlay application programming interface (API) is a network abstraction and distributed object system. The API defines the functionality of the abstract DirectPlay network, and all the functionality is available to your application regardless of whether the actual underlying network supports it. In cases where the underlying network does not support functionality, DirectPlay emulates it. Examples include group messaging and guaranteed messaging.

DirectPlay also supports lobbies, places where users of various applications can meet, exchange messages, organize game sessions, and launch applications. For end users, the main benefit of lobbies is the ease of establishing a session with other players. Not only does the lobby provide a place for the player to find opponents, but when the application starts there is no need for the user to do the following:

Other benefits of the lobby are: