Platform SDK: DirectX


DPLPROPERTY_PlayerScore is a generic structure that can be used by an application to report a composite score value to the lobby. The guidPlayer GUID of the player the score applies to must be provided when setting or getting this property. This structure can handle an arbitrary list of long integer values that collectively represent the score of a player. The application must allocate enough memory to hold all the scores. For example, if the score was passed as N integers, the application must allocate ( sizeof(DPLDATA_PLAYERSCORE) + N*sizeof(LONG) ) bytes and cast the pointer to LPDPLDATA_PLAYERSCORE.

For this property, the dwPropertyData member of the DPLMSG_GETPROPERTYRESPONSE structure will contain the following:

typedef struct {
    DWORD   dwScoreCount;
    LONG    Score[1];


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Header: Declared in dplobby.h.
  Import Library: Use dplayx.lib.