Platform SDK: DirectX

ChatConnect Sample

[Visual Basic]

This topic pertains only to application development in C++. See DirectPlay Visual Basic Samples.



The ChatConnect sample is a chat program that can be launched from a lobby.


Source: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\DPlay\Src\ChatConnect

Executable: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\DPlay\Bin\ChatConnect.exe.

User's Guide

Enter the player's name, and select a connection type or "Wait for Lobby Connection" from the list. In the Multiplayer Games dialog, start a new session by clicking Create, or else click Start Search to find active sessions, then join one by highlighting it and clicking Join. After a session has been joined or created, the chat begins immediately. Other players can join the chat at any time. The host player can leave at any time, because DirectPlay automatically migrates the host player.

Note that you can test multiple instances of the sample on a single machine by using the TCP/IP service provider.

Programming Notes

This sample shows the basics of using DirectPlay for a chat session.