Platform SDK: DirectX

Step 2: Enumerate and Initialize the Service Providers

[Visual Basic]

This tutorial pertains only to applications written in C++. See DirectPlay Visual Basic Tutorials.


The next step in creating a manual connection is to request that the user select a communication medium for the application. Your application can identify the service providers installed on a personal computer by using the EnumConnections method.

The following example shows how to enumerate the service providers:

// Enumerate all DirectPlay connections and store them 
// in the listbox
if ( FAILED( hr = pDP->EnumConnections( &g_AppGUID, 
        DPConnect_EnumConnectionsCallback, hWndListBox, 0 ) ) )
    return hr;

The second parameter in the EnumConnections method is a callback that enumerates service providers registered with DirectPlay. The following example shows how the SimpleConnect Sample implements this callback function:

BOOL FAR PASCAL DPConnect_EnumConnectionsCallback( 
        LPCGUID   pguidSP,
        VOID*     pConnection,
        DWORD     dwConnectionSize,
        LPCDPNAME pName,
        DWORD     dwFlags,
        VOID*     pvContext )
    HRESULT       hr;
    VOID*         pConnectionBuffer = NULL;
    HWND          hWndListBox = (HWND)pvContext;
    LRESULT       iIndex;
    // Create a IDirectPlay object.
    if ( FAILED( hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DirectPlay, NULL,
            CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDirectPlay4A, (VOID**)&pDP ) ) )
            return FALSE; // Error, stop enumerating
    // Test the if the connection is available 
    // by attempting to initialize.
        // the connection
    if( FAILED( hr = pDP->InitializeConnection( pConnection, 0 ) ) )
        SAFE_RELEASE( pDP );
        return TRUE; // Unavailable connection, keep enumerating
    // Don't need the IDirectPlay interface any more, so release it.
    // Found a good connection, so put it in the listbox.
    iIndex = SendMessage( hWndListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0,
            (LPARAM)pName->lpszShortNameA );
    if( iIndex == CB_ERR )
        return FALSE; // Error, stop enumerating
    pConnectionBuffer = new BYTE[ dwConnectionSize ];
    if( pConnectionBuffer == NULL )
        return FALSE; // Error, stop enumerating
    // Store pointer to GUID in listbox.
    memcpy( pConnectionBuffer, pConnection, dwConnectionSize );
    SendMessage( hWndListBox, LB_SETITEMDATA, iIndex,
            (LPARAM)pConnectionBuffer );
    return TRUE; // Keep enumerating

Once the user selects which connection to use, you need to retrieve the connection data that comes back with the enumeration, and initialize the DirectPlay object with this data.

if ( FAILED( hr = g_pDP->InitializeConnection( pConnection, 0 ) ) )
    return hr;

Next: Step 3: Join a Session