Platform SDK: DirectX

Reading from a Wave File

[Visual Basic]

For short sounds, the easiest way to play a wave file is to load it into a static buffer by using the DirectSound.CreateSoundBufferFromFile method. For larger files that do not conveniently fit in memory, you need to create a streaming buffer and read the file in pieces.

Wave files are in the Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF), which consists of a file header followed by a variable number of "chunks," each made up of a header and data. The chunk header consists of a four-character tag identifying the type of data and a Long giving the length of the data.

The wave file header is organized as follows:

The first chunk is always the format chunk, which has the following format.

The PCM sample data in a wave file is contained in a chunk beginning with the string "data", which can also be read as the Long &H61746164. Most often this chunk immediately follows the format chunk, but because RIFF is an extensible format, there is no guarantee that another type of chunk will not precede it. Your file parser must be capable of ignoring chunks it cannot handle.

To parse a wave file, it is helpful to have three user-defined types. The first will receive all the information in the file header and in the header of the format chunk.

Private Type FileHeader
    lRiff As Long
    lFileSize As Long
    lWave As Long
    lFormat As Long
    lFormatLength As Long
End Type

The second type will receive the format data. You can't use the WAVEFORMATEX type for this, because the members are in a different order. This type needs to retrieve only 14 of the 16 bytes in the chunk, because the last Integer value is equivalent to WAVEFORMATEX.lExtra, which is not used in PCM files.

Private Type WaveFormat
    wFormatTag As Integer
    nChannels As Integer
    nSamplesPerSec As Long
    nAvgBytesPerSec As Long
    nBlockAlign As Integer
    wBitsPerSample As Integer
End Type

The third type can be used to retrieve the header of any chunk, including the data chunk.

Private Type ChunkHeader 
    lType As Long
    lLen As Long
End Type

The following sample function verifies that a file is a RIFF wave file, seeks the beginning of the sample data, and returns a WAVEFORMATEX type containing information about the wave format.

Dim FileFree As Long           ' Global file handle
Dim lDataLength As Long        ' Global data length

Private Function FillFormat(FileName As String) As WAVEFORMATEX
    Dim Header As FileHeader
    Dim HdrFormat As WaveFormat
    Dim chunk As ChunkHeader
    Dim by As Byte
    Dim i As Long
    ' Open the file and read the header.
    Close #FileFree
    FileFree = FreeFile 
    Open FileName For Binary Access Read As #FileFree
    Get #FileFree, , Header 
    ' Check for "RIFF" tag and exit if not found.
    If Header.lRiff <> &H46464952 Then 
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Check for "WAVE" tag and exit if not found.
    If Header.lWave <> &H45564157 Then 
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Check format chunk length; if less than 16, 
    ' it's not PCM data so we can't use it.
    If Header.lFormatLength < 16 Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Retrieve format.
    Get #FileFree, , HdrFormat
    ' Seek next chunk by discarding any format bytes.
    For i = 1 To Header.lFormatLength - 16
        Get #FileFree, , by
    ' Ignore chunks until we get to the "data" chunk.
    Get #FileFree, , chunk
    Do While chunk.lType <> &H61746164
        For i = 1 To chunk.lLen
            Get #FileFree, , by
        Get #FileFree, , chunk
    ' Retrieve the size of the data.
    lDataLength = chunk.lLen
   ' Fill the returned type with the format information.

    With FillFormat 
        .lAvgBytesPerSec = HdrFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec
        .lExtra = 0
        .lSamplesPerSec = HdrFormat.nSamplesPerSec
        .nBitsPerSample = HdrFormat.wBitsPerSample
        .nBlockAlign = HdrFormat.nBlockAlign
        .nChannels = HdrFormat.nChannels
        .nFormatTag = HdrFormat.wFormatTag
    End With
End Function

The application can now begin reading data from the file and streaming that data into the secondary sound buffer. There is no way to read data directly from the file into a DirectSoundBuffer, so you must first read the data into a private buffer and then write it by using DirectSoundBuffer.WriteBuffer. For more information, see Using Streaming Buffers.


In order to use the wrapper functions in Wavread.cpp, you must declare the following four variables:

WAVEFORMATEX  *pwfx;          // Wave format info
HMMIO         hmmio;          // File handle
MMCKINFO      mmckinfoData;   // Chunk info
MMCKINFO      mmckinfoParent; // Parent chunk info

The first step in reading a wave file is to call the WaveOpenFile function. This gets a handle to the file, verifies that it is in RIFF format, and gets information about the wave format. The parameters are the filename and the addresses of three of the variables you have declared:

if (WaveOpenFile(lpzFileName, &hmmio, &pwfx, &mmckinfoParent) != 0)
    // Failure

Note that the wrapper functions all return zero if successful.

The next step is to call the WaveStartDataRead function, causing the file pointer to descend to the data chunk. This function also fills in the MMCKINFO structure for the data chunk, so that you know how much data is available:

if (WaveStartDataRead(&hmmio, &mmckinfoData, &mmckinfoParent) != 0)
    // Failure

The application can now begin copying data from the file to a secondary sound buffer. Normally you don't create the sound buffer until you have obtained the size of the data chunk and the format of the wave. The following code creates a static buffer just large enough to hold all the data in the file.

/* It is assumed that lpds in a valid pointer
   to the DirectSound object. */
DSBUFFERDESC         dsbdesc;
memset(&dsbdesc, 0, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC)); 
dsbdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); 
dsbdesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_STATIC; 
dsbdesc.dwBufferBytes = mmckinfoData.cksize;  
dsbdesc.lpwfxFormat = pwfx; 
if FAILED(lpds->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbdesc, &lpdsbStatic, NULL))
    WaveCloseReadFile(&hmmio, &pwfx);
    return FALSE; 

Because in this case the application is not streaming the data but simply filling a static buffer, the entire buffer is locked from the beginning. There is no wrap around, so only a single pointer and byte count are required.

LPVOID lpvAudio1;
DWORD  dwBytes1;
if FAILED(lpdsbStatic->Lock(
        0,              // Offset of lock start
        0,              // Size of lock; ignored in this case
        &lpvAudio1,     // Address of lock start
        &dwBytes1,      // Number of bytes locked
        NULL,           // Wrap around start; not used
        NULL,           // Wrap around size; not used
    // Error handling

The WaveReadFile function copies the data from the file to the buffer pointer and returns zero if successful.

UINT cbBytesRead;
if (WaveReadFile(
        hmmio,              // file handle
        dwBytes1,           // no. of bytes to read
        (BYTE *) lpvAudio1, // destination
        &mmckinfoData,      // file chunk info 
        &cbBytesRead))      // actual no. of bytes read
    // Handle failure on non-zero return
    WaveCloseReadFile(&hmmio, &pwfx);

Finally, the application unlocks the buffer and closes the wave file:

lpdsbStatic->Unlock(lpvAudio1, dwBytes1, NULL, 0);

For a streaming buffer, you would typically call WaveReadFile at regular intervals determined by the current play position. (See Play Buffer Notification.) If the locked portion of the buffer wrapped around, of course, you would call WaveReadFile once for each segment of the lock.