Platform SDK: DirectX

Texture Coordinate Formats

Texture coordinates in Direct3D can include 1, 2, 3, or 4 floating point elements to address textures with varying levels of dimension. A 1-D texture (a texture surface with dimensions of 1-by-n texels) would be addressed by one texture coordinate. The most common case, 2-D textures, are addressed with two texture coordinates commonly called u and v. Direct3D supports a single type of 3-D texture, called a cubic-environment map. Cubic environment maps aren't truly 3-D, but they are addressed with a 3-element vector. For details, see Cubic Environment Mapping.


As described in About Vertex Formats, applications encode texture coordinates within the vertex format. The vertex format can include multiple sets of texture coordinates. Use the D3DFVF_TEX0 through D3DFVF_TEX8 flexible vertex format flags to describe a vertex format that includes no texture coordinates, or as many as eight sets.

Each texture coordinate set can have between 1 and 4 elements. The D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1 through D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT4 flags describe the number of elements are in a given texture coordinate in a given set, but these flags aren't used by themselves. Rather, the D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZEn set of macros use these flags to create bit patterns that describe the number of elements used by a particular set of texture coordinates in the vertex format. These macros accept a single parameter that identifies the index of the coordinate set whose number of elements is being defined. The following example illustrates how these macros are used.

// This vertex format contains two sets of texture coordinates. The first 
// set (index 0) has 2 elements, and the second set has 1 element.
// The description for this vertex format would be: 
//     dwFVF = D3DFVF_XYZ  | D3DFVF_NORMAL | 
//             D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_TEX2| 
typedef struct CVF {
    D3DVECTOR position;
    D3DVECTOR normal;
    D3DCOLOR  diffuse;
    float     u, v;   // 1st set, 2-D
    float     t;      // 2nd set, 1-D
} CustomVertexFormat;
[Visual Basic]

As described in About Vertex Formats, applications encode texture coordinates within the vertex format. The vertex format can include multiple sets of texture coordinates. Use the D3DFVF_TEX0 through D3DFVF_TEX8 flexible vertex format flags to describe a vertex format that includes no texture coordinates, or as many as eight sets.

Each texture coordinate set can have between 1 and 4 elements. Use the D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZEn set of helper functions in the Math.bas source file that ships with this SDK to generate bit patterns that describe the number of elements used by a particular set of texture coordinates in the vertex format. These macros accept a single parameter that identifies the index of the coordinate set whose number of elements is being defined. The following example illustrates how these macros are used.

Private Sub Form_Load()
' This vertex format contains two sets of texture coordinates. The first
' set (index 0) has 2 elements, and the second set has 1 element.
' The description for this vertex format would be:
'            D3DFVF_DIFFUSE Or D3DFVF_TEX2 Or _
Type CustomVertexFormat
    position As D3DVECTOR
    normal As D3DVECTOR
    diffuse  As D3DVECTOR
    ' 1st set, 2-D
    u As Single
    v As Single
    ' 2nd set, 1-D
    t As Single
End Type

Note  With the exception of cubic-environment maps, rasterizers cannot address textures by using any more than two elements. Applications can supply up to three elements for a texture coordinate, but only if the texture is a cube map, or the D3DTTFF_PROJECTED texture transform flag is used. The D3DTTFF_PROJECTED flag causes the rasterizer to divide the first two elements by the third (or nth) element. For more information, see Texture Coordinate Transformations.