Platform SDK: DirectX

Creating Objects Subordinate to Direct3D


Applications written in C++ use the IDirect3D7 interface to create Direct3D rendering devices and vertex buffers. A Direct3D application creates a rendering device by invoking the IDirect3D7::CreateDevice method. For details, see Direct3D Devices. The rendering device encompasses the rendering, lighting, material, and viewport states.

Call the IDirect3D7::CreateVertexBuffer method to create a vertex buffer. Vertex buffers contain vertex data specially prepared for faster rendering than simple arrays of vertex data. For more information, see Vertex Buffers.

[Visual Basic]

Applications written in Visual Basic use the methods of the Direct3D7 class to create Direct3D rendering devices and vertex buffers. A Direct3D application creates a rendering device by invoking the Direct3D7.CreateDevice method. For details, see Direct3D Devices. The rendering device encompasses the rendering, lighting, material, and viewport states.

Call the Direct3D7.CreateVertexBuffer method to create a vertex buffer. Vertex buffers contain vertex data specially prepared for faster rendering than simple arrays of vertex data. For more information, see Vertex Buffers.