Platform SDK: DirectX

Obsolete Interfaces

The IDirect3DDevice and IDirect3DExecuteBuffer interfaces that support rendering with execute buffers are obsolete. For information about these interfaces, see the documentation provided with a previous release of DirectX. Legacy documentation is provided with this SDK and available for download from

The IDirect3DLight, IDirect3DMaterial3 and IDirect3DViewport3 interfaces are not supported by interfaces more recent than the IDirect3DDevice3 interface. The functionality offered by the superseded interfaces is now offered within the device interface itself (IDirect3DDevice7).

The IDirect3DLight interface is obsolete. The functionality provided by the interface is now present within the IDirect3DDevice7 interface. To summarize the relationship between the two interfaces:

IDirect3DLight::GetLight and IDirect3DLight::GetLight
Superseded by the IDirect3DDevice7::GetLight and IDirect3DDevice7::SetLight methods.
Not supported.

The following are the methods of the obsolete IDirect3DMaterial3 interface. Where appropriate, correlations have been drawn to methods of the IDirect3DDevice7 interface.

Not supported. Material handles are not used by the IDirect3DDevice7 interface.
IDirect3DMaterial3::GetMaterial and IDirect3DMaterial3::SetMaterial
Superseded by the IDirect3DDevice7::GetMaterial and IDirect3DDevice7::SetMaterial methods.

The following list contains methods from the obsolete IDirect3DViewport3 interface. Similar to the material-related methods in the preceding list, equivalent methods within IDirect3DDevice7 are noted.

IDirect3DViewport3::GetBackground and IDirect3DViewport3::SetBackground
Not supported. Background materials are not used by the IDirect3DDevice7 interface.
IDirect3DViewport3::GetBackgroundDepth, IDirect3DViewport3::GetBackgroundDepth2, IDirect3DViewport3::SetBackgroundDepth, and IDirect3DViewport3::SetBackgroundDepth2
Not supported.
IDirect3DViewport3::AddLight, IDirect3DViewport3::NextLight, and IDirect3DViewport3::DeleteLight
Parameters for individual lights are accessed through the IDirect3DDevice7::GetLight and IDirect3DDevice7::SetLight methods. Lights are individually enabled and disabled through the IDirect3DDevice7::GetLightEnable and IDirect3DDevice7::LightEnable methods.
Not supported.
IDirect3DViewport3::Clear and IDirect3DViewport3::Clear2
Superseded by the IDirect3DDevice7::Clear method.
IDirect3DViewport3::GetViewport, IDirect3DViewport3::GetViewport2, IDirect3DViewport3::SetViewport, and IDirect3DViewport3::SetViewport2
Superseded by the IDirect3DDevice7::GetViewport and IDirect3DDevice7::SetViewport methods.
Not supported.
Not supported. Use vertex buffers to manually transform vertices.