Platform SDK: DirectX

D3DFrame Library

[Visual Basic]

This topic pertains only to application development in C++. See Direct3D Immediate Mode Visual Basic Samples.



The D3D framework is a set of C++ classes used to create the Direct3D Immediate Mode samples. It is not a part of the Direct3D API. The framework was created and used to provide consistency and clarity of presentation for the Direct3D samples. The framework classes may or may not be appropriate for use in your applications.


Source: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\D3dim\Src\D3DFrame

Executable: None.

User's Guide

D3DFrame compiles as a static library, which is used to build the remainder of the Direct3D Immediate Mode samples.

Programming Notes

The framework consists of classes that enumerate the DirectDraw drivers, Direct3D devices, and display modes available to each device. The samples use them to initialize and run Direct3D. The classes also help provide a consistent user interface for the set of samples. In addition, the framework includes a set of classes for loading and managing textures.

The Direct3D framework also contains numerous macros and functions for debugging, for manipulating Direct3D objects, and for doing math operations common in Direct3D programming.