Platform SDK: DirectX

MTexture Sample

[Visual Basic]

This topic pertains only to application development in C++. See Direct3D Immediate Mode Visual Basic Samples.



The MTexture sample shows how to use multitexturing. The scene consists of a room with walls that have a base texture and a spotlight texture, each using a different set of texture coordinates.


Source: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\D3dim\Src\MTexture

Executable: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\D3dim\Bin\Mtexture.exe

User's Guide

Press F1 to see available commands, or choose from the menu.

Programming Notes

This sample shows how to program the multitexture stages, using the IDirect3DDevice7::SetTextureStageState method. Dozens of different effects are possible with this method. The sample shows one, monochrome light mapping, which is very popular in current game titles.