Platform SDK: DirectX

BumpEarth Sample

[Visual Basic]

This topic pertains only to application development in C++. See Direct3D Immediate Mode Visual Basic Samples.



The BumpEarth sample demonstrates the bump-mapping capabilities of Direct3D. Bump mapping is a texture-blending technique used to render the appearance of rough surfaces.


Source: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\D3dim\Src\BumpEarth

Executable: (SDK root)\Samples\Multimedia\D3dim\Bin\BumpEarth.exe

User's Guide

Press F1 to see available keystroke commands, or choose from the menu.

Your graphics hardware might not support bump mapping; if not, Direct3D displays a message to that effect when you attempt to run this sample. The solution is to enable the reference rasterizer by running (SDK root))\Samples\Multimedia\D3dim\Bin\Enablerefrast.reg.

Programming Notes

Bump mapping is an advanced multitexture blending technique that can be used to render the appearance of rough surfaces. The bump map itself is a texture that stores the perturbation data.

In this sample, the map of the world is a texture. The sample blends both the map texture and the bump-map texture onto the sphere to give the appearance of a high-resolution topographical map.

For more information, see Bump Mapping and the BumpWaves Sample.

This sample was built using the Direct3D sample framework.