Platform SDK: DirectX |
The DirectDrawSurface7.GetAttachedSurfaceEnum method returns a DirectDrawEnumSurfaces object that is filled with attached surfaces information .
object.GetAttachedSurfaceEnum() As DirectDrawEnumSurfaces
If the method succeeds, it returns a DirectDrawEnumSurfaces enumeration interface.
If the method fails, it raises an error, and Err.Number can be set to one of the following values:
The number of attached surfaces is obtained with a call to DirectDrawEnumSurfaces.GetCount, and a description of the attached surface is obtained with a call to DirectDrawEnumSurfaces.GetItem
The object returned by a successful function call must be assigned to a DirectDrawEnumSurfaces object variable. For example:
Dim SurfaceEnum as DirectDrawEnumSurfaces Set SurfaceEnum = object.GetAttachedSurfacesEnum()