Platform SDK: DirectX


The DIPROPLONG type is used to store property information to be set on or retrieved from the input device by using the DirectInputDevice.SetProperty and DirectInputDevice.GetProperty methods, where the property is a single value.

    lData As Long
    lHow As Long
    lObj As Long
    lSize As Long
End Type


The property-specific value being set or retrieved.
Value specifying how the lObj parameter should be interpreted. This value may be one of the members of the CONST_DIPHFLAGS enumeration.

If lObj is DIPROP_AXISMODE or DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, lHow should be DIPH_DEVICE, because these properties cannot be set for an individual object.

Object for which the property is to be accessed.

If the lHow member is DIPH_BYID, this member must be the identifier for the object whose property setting is to be set or retrieved. This value can be retrieved for the object by using the DirectInputDeviceObjectInstance.GetType method.

If the lHow member is DIPH_BYOFFSET, this member must be a data format offset for the object whose property setting is to be set or retrieved. This value can be obtained by using the DirectInputDeviceObjectInstance.GetOfs method.

If lHow is DIPH_DEVICE, this value should be 0.

Size of this type.


All members must be initialized with the proper values before the type is passed to the SetProperty method. All members except lData must be initialized with the proper values before the type is passed to GetProperty.

See Also