Platform SDK: DirectX


The DirectPlayLobby3.CreateComPortAddress method creates a DirectPlay address for the COM port.

object.CreateComPortAddress(port As Long, _
    baudRate As Long, _
    stopBits As Long, _
    parity As Long, _
    flowcontrol As Long) As DirectPlayAddress


Object expression that resolves to a DirectPlayLobby3 object.
Number of the COM port to use. The value can be 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Baud rate of the port. Can be one of the following values:
110 300 600
1200 2400 4800
9600 14400 19200
38400 56000 57600
115200 128000 256000

Number of stop bits. Can be 0 (one stop bit), 1 (1.5 stop bits), or 2 (two stop bits).
Parity. Can be one of the following values:
0 No parity
1 Odd parity
2 Even parity
3 Mark parity

Method of flow control. Can be one of the following values:
0 No flow control
1 Software flow control (xon/xoff)
2 Hardware flow control with RTS
3 Hardware flow control with DTR.
4 hardware flow control with RTS and DTR

Return Values

If it succeeds, the method returns a DirectPlayAddress object.

Error Codes

If the method fails, an error is raised and Err.Number may be set to the following value: