Platform SDK: DirectX


The DirectSoundBuffer.GetPan method retrieves a variable that represents the relative volume between the left and right audio channels.

object.GetPan() As Long


Object expression that resolves to a DirectSoundBuffer object.

Return Values

The relative mix between the left and right speakers. See Remarks.

Error Codes

If the method fails, an error is raised and Err.Number may be set to one of the following error codes.



The return value is in hundredths of a decibel (dB), in the range of DSBPAN_LEFT (-10,000) to DSBPAN_RIGHT (10,000). The value DSBPAN_LEFT means the right channel is attenuated by 100 dB. The value DSBPAN_RIGHT means the left channel is attenuated by 100 dB. The neutral value is DSBPAN_CENTER (0), meaning that both channels are at full volume (attenuated by 0 decibels).

At any setting other than DSBPAN_CENTER, one channel is at full volume and the other is attenuated. For example, a value of -2173 means that the left channel is at full volume and the right channel is attenuated by 21.73 dB. Similarly, a pan of 870 means that the left channel is attenuated by 8.7 dB and the right channel is at full volume.

The pan control acts cumulatively with the volume control.

See Also

DirectSoundBuffer.GetVolume, DirectSoundBuffer.SetPan, DirectSoundBuffer.SetVolume