Platform SDK: DirectX


The DirectSound3DListener.GetOrientation method retrieves the listener's orientation in 3-D space.

object.GetOrientation(orientFront As D3DVECTOR, _
    orientTop As D3DVECTOR)


Object expression that resolves to a DirectSound3DListener object.
D3DVECTOR type that receives the listener's front orientation vector.
D3DVECTOR type that receives the listener's top orientation vector.

Error Codes

If the method fails, an error is raised and Err.Number may be set to DSERR_INVALIDPARAM.


The front vector points in the direction of the listener's nose, and the top vector points in the direction of the top of the listener's head. By default, the front vector is (0,0,1.0) and the top vector is (0,1.0,0).

The values returned are not necessarily the same as those set by using the DirectSound3DListener.SetOrientation method. DirectSound adjusts orientation vectors so that they are at right angles and have a magnitude of less than or equal to 1.0.