Platform SDK: DirectX


The DirectX7.CreateD3DTLVertex method fills a D3DTLVERTEX type using individual values that represent discrete vertex components.

object.CreateD3DTLVertex(sx As Single, _ 
    sy As Single, _ 
    sz As Single, _ 
    rhw As Single, _ 
    color As Long, _ 
    specular As Long, _ 
    tu As Single, _ 
    tv As Single, _ 


Object expression that resolves to a DirectX7 object.
sx, sy, and sz
Values describing the position of the vertex, in screen coordinates.
Reciprocal of homogeneous W for the vertex.
color and specular
Value specifying the RGBA representation of the diffuse and specular colors for the vertex. You can use the DirectX7.CreateColorRGBA method to generate desired color value from individual red, green, blue, and alpha components.
tu and tv
Values describing the u and v texture coordinates of the vertex.
Variable of type D3DTLVERTEX that will be filled with the provided vertex component data.

Error Codes

If the method fails, an error is raised and Err.Number is set to an error code.

See Also

DirectX7.CreateD3DVertex, DirectX7.CreateD3DTLVertex