Platform SDK: DirectX


The Direct3DDevice7.DeleteStateBlock method deletes a previously recorded device state block.

object.DeleteStateBlock( _ 
  blockHandle As Long)


Object expression that resolves to a Direct3DDevice7 object.
Handle to the device state block to be deleted, as returned by a previous call to the Direct3DDevice7.EndStateBlock method.

Error Codes

If the method fails, an error is raised and Err.Number may be set to DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS to indicate that the blockHandle parameter is invalid or a macro is currently being recorded.


Applications cannot delete a device state block while another is being recorded.

See Also

Direct3DDevice7.BeginStateBlock, Direct3DDevice7.CaptureStateBlock, Direct3DDevice7.CreateStateBlock, Direct3DDevice7.EndStateBlock, Direct3DDevice7.ApplyStateBlock, State Blocks