Building DirectX Transform Samples and Applications

In order to build many of the Microsoft® DirectX® Transform samples and applications, you need the DirectX Foundation 6.x Software Development Kit (SDK). You need to set your environment variables to access both the DirectX media and the DirectX foundation 6.x include files and libraries.

If you are using Microsoft Visual C++® to build your applications or samples, choose Options from the Tools menu, then choose the Directories tab. In the Show directories for: drop-down list, choose Include files. Type in the paths to the directories containing the DirectX Transform include files. By default, the path is \Dxmedia\Include. If you have the DirectX foundation 6.x include path in your list of included files, you must make sure that the DirectX Transform include path precedes the DirectX foundation 6.x include path because DirectX Transform extends the DirectX foundation include files.

Next, on the same Directories tab, choose Library files from the drop-down list. Type in the path to the DirectX Transform libraries. By default, this path is \Dxmedia\Lib.

If you have the DirectX foundation 6.x library path in your list of libraries, you must make sure that the DirectX Transform library path precedes the DirectX foundation 6.x library path because the DirectX Transform library extends the DirectX foundation library.

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