Redistribution Information

The Microsoft® DirectX® Media Software Development Kit (SDK) includes a redistributable package under the Redist directory. The Microsoft DirectX® Media redistributable package is Dxmedia.exe. Dxmedia.exe supports two command-line switches, which are: -NQ and -id:. The required -id: switch must be followed by a unique identifier for the application. The optional -NQ switch enables the user interface. If used, the -NQ switch must come before the -id switch on the command line, and the letters "N" and "Q" must be capitalized. If the -NQ switch is not used, the installation is totally quiet, and no dialog boxes appear.

An example is shown in the following command line.

dxmedia.exe -NQ -id:identifier

The identifier should uniquely identify your application. The identifier can be the GUID of your registered application or a unique string. You should not use a string such as "game", but instead use a more distinctive string. For example:

dxmedia.exe -NQ -id:myrocketgame

- or -

dxmedia.exe -NQ -id:my_GUID

- or -

dxmedia.exe -id:my_GUID

The identifier is required. If you run Dxmedia.exe without using any switches, or double-click on the Dxmedia.exe icon, nothing will be installed.

The same syntax is used for Microsoft® Windows® 9x and Windows NT® x86.

If successful, the installation returns one of the following success codes.

If unsuccessful, the installation returns an HRESULT describing the error. Possible common errors include the following.

The install package automatically handles different versions during installation. Files are only overwritten if they are older than the files about to be installed.

In addition to installing the core DirectX media run time, the DirectX media redistributable package installs a minimal version of DirectX foundation version 3.0 on systems that do not meet the minimum DirectX media requirements. The application can install DirectX foundation separately if the full installation is needed after the redistributable package has been installed.

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