Guide to Samples

This article contains descriptions of all the templates, exercises, and showcase samples, plus step-by-step procedures describing how to perform basic Microsoft® DirectAnimation® tasks.

Note that you must have the Microsoft® DirectX® Media 6 run time installed for some of the samples to work.

There are two ways to view the samples from the documentation.

  1. You can go directly to the main sample pages for each of the languages. This will take you out of the documentation and onto a page that displays a table of contents list for all the samples in that language.
  2. You can also access individual DirectAnimation samples from this "Guide to Samples" topic by clicking the name of the sample. This will launch a separate window to display the sample, but will not take you out of the DirectAnimation documentation and will not display a table of contents listing all the language samples.

To go directly to the main sample page for each of the languages, select one of the following:

On the sample main pages you will see a list of all the samples available of that type. To return to the DirectAnimation documentation, choose the Docs button below the table of contents on the left.

To see the Microsoft® Visual Basic® samples go to the \Samples\Multimedia\DAnim\VisualBasic subdirectory of the DirectX Media Software Development Kit (SDK). To see the C++ samples go to the \Samples\Multimedia\DAnim\C++ subdirectory on the SDK.

To access individual DirectAnimation samples without leaving the documentation, select one of the following:

When you click on a sample link, you will launch a separate window to display the sample, but the DirectAnimation documentation will remain open. Note that if you click another sample it will be displayed in the same window as the original sample. The sample paths given refer to the default sample directories created when you install the DirectX Media SDK.

The following articles give general information about the samples and step-by-step instructions for creating and building animations. Simple scripting samples that demonstrate basic animations are also included.

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